Augmented Reality for Events

Augmented Reality for Events and venues is one of the most exciting, dynamic and engaging ways to reach out to customers and it can be done in a way that works on a specific site, multi site or even when they are at home.

Imagine being able to direct traffic flow how and where you want it, preventing build up and putting footfall where you want it. Make displays come to life or create jaw dropping experiences or even educational resources anywhere. The app and platform the AR exists on allows for continual access to your users to promote the events, activities as well as products and services as long as they choose to use it. You can also repurpose the app for different festivals, activities and events.

So why use Augmented Reality for Events like yours?

Augmented Reality

What is Augmented Reality for Events and what is it generally? Well a great way to explain it is Pokemon Go! Remeber that incredibly successful game app that took the world by storm? Well you can have the same thing for your event, business, site or space.

When the user gets to specific points they can point their phones at an area and entire show, display or amazing characters or creatures spring to life ! As they move around the phone they can see all this actually in the place / environment that they are! It feels like real magic and there’s no special equipment required!

Lets look at some examples how how it could work.

Use case 1: Imagine you wanted the public to come to your event and you wanted the ability to drive them to specific points. Maybe it’s to help spread foot traffic out, or to generate buzz in areas of lower footfall. With our AR options you can do that! The public essentiall go on a high tech treasure hunt, with the full delivery via their mobile device. This means it can run continuously, seemlessly with no ongoing costs and continually having to reset it throughout the day. You can also re use the app for lots of different events!

Use case 2: Create an experience or game that helps you drive a product or service or an AR that is one itself. Be it a paid or free option, AR creates incredible engagements and users will want to keep using and enjoying the experience, allowing many opportunities for growth.

We create, brand and deliver the entire experience and take care oeverything, including listing it on the App / Play Store.

You can also combine VR and AR for an incredible immersive and engaging multi reality experience. Use the Virtual Reality for the public to use from home to show them the amazing world they are going to be able to enter when they visit your site and get to experience the Augmented Reality in person!

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Not sure yet if Augmented Reality for Events like yours is right? What about Virtual Reality or Holograms? Or something else?

We know that our clients need more options on how to deliver entertainment. COVID created many problems for Event organisers, businesses and organisations of every size, with how to connect with their audience and how to reach their aims and satisfy their customers.

These options are very shareable / viral experiences that people want to show off, creating a hugely effective marketing opportunity for our clients.

We have created a library of amazing themes and can create something totally bespoke.We have a bank of amazing products for our clients to use, take a look below to get a better understanding and then get in touch and lets talk about how we can help.

The core products include:

  • Virtual Reality
  • Augmented Reality
  • Holograms
  • Ultra Reality
  • Mixed Reality

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality allows the users to enter an environment from anywhere else in the world! Lets look at a use case or two.

Use case 1: Imagine you want to encourage you audience to an event, you could have a Virtual Reality mini experience that could be placed on your website or social media that allowed your users to explore a world from their phone or tablet with no special equipment. Maybe you have a Christmas Market, the virtual experience could walk them through it, allowing the user to look around and check out the stalls. Or maybe the user get’s to have a moment with Santa who invites them down to the event. But VR’s not just for Christmas! It can be used to promote any space, place, event or activity.

Use case 2: You can also create paid or free experiential product to promote a product, service or space, allowing the users to immerse themselves in the world you’re promoting. Again it could be placed on your website, social media behind a payment gateway, data capture or for free and it could be part of a game or wider experience as well as a stand alone experience. All this without the need for headsets or special technology.

These are just two use cases, but it hopefully gives you some ideas of how it can work for you. We can film, edit, and supply the full technical requirement for you in up to an amazing 11k image quality. That is crystal clear!

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Imagine walking through an entertainment space, venue or shopping centre and having Holograms, greet you, guide you an entertain you. That is now an affordable reality for any client looking to amaze their visitors. It’s also a highly engaging way of delivering key messaging.

People can walk up to , behind and round the holgrams and see around / through them creating an entirely new experience, totally different to a TV screen or traditional media.

Here’s just a couple of use cases, if you want some ideas for your requirement get in touch.

Use case 1: Empty retail spaces can come to life. Holograms can be placed in the retail spaces to make it feel less like a ‘dead’ space. Keep the public entertained, brighten the area up with excitement and magic and show potential businesses that the retail space has interest in it as people stop and look at the amazing Holograms.

Use case 2: Entertain people as they walk round venue or store, or show them promotions. Bring a shop window or other display to life with a dynamic holographic projection that seems to interact with the products.

Use case 3: Bring education to an entirely new level of excitement as visitors to a museum see holograms of dinosaur bones turning into a living dinosaur walking around or of how chemical reactions work to take a rocket into space.

Use case 4: Have a performance or show playing in your venue without the performers having to be there! Imagine being able to create a cost effective form of Virtual entertainment.

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Want to find out more about what we do? You can see some of what we do on our Social Media pages, or talk to us and ask!

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